[Drabble] Reality

Title: Reality
| SCRIPTWRITER: beautywolfff |
| RATING: PG-15 |
| GENRE: Hurt |
| DURATION: Drabble 100w|
| MAIN CAST: D.O (EXO), Ahn Hyerim (OC)|
DISCLAIMER: Plot&Storyline original by beautywolfff®


Saat berkas cahaya itu masuk melewati celah jendela, aku tahu bahwa sosoknya tak lagi ada dalam rengkuhanku.



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Silhouette: Illusion



#4 Illusion

Author: beautywolf |

Main Cast: Kim Jongin/Kai (EXO-K), Park Haemi (OC), Kim Myungsoo/L (Infinite)|

Supporting Cast: Seol Hanna (OC), Park Cheondoong/Thunder (MBLAQ), Kris/Wu Yi Fan, and the rest find by your own.|

Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst | Duration/Length: Multi-Chapter |

Rating: PG-16/17(?) [M]


Love is exist but with an absence of eternity. After first moment of the lovers encounter, there is an affirmation of love. Psychologically lunacy, emptiness, panic, delusion that the moment would lasts forever. I’m seized by the desire.

I hide behind my back and postpone all the answers.

-(Quote cr: F(x) Pink Tape art film)

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