[Vignette] Decorate


decorate poster

 | RATING: PG-15 |

| GENRE: Drama, Slight!Angst |

| LENGTH: Vignette |

| MAIN CAST: Huang Zitao (EXO-M), Mengjia (Miss A) |


DISCLAIMER: Plot&Storyline original by beautywolfff®



So you decided to see me out of the blue

Should I let you come over

I think you’re doing fine

That girl in your arms does she know, where you come from?


P.S: try to read this ff and listen to the music: YUNA-DECORATE//for the stronger feels.

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[NEWS] Tao won’t be able to perform tomorrow T.T (s)

This news is so hurting  me.

Tomorrow, EXO-M have their schedule for MTV World Stage in Malaysia, but Tao won’t be able to perform because of his leg. Tao spotted out from SM building with bandaged leg and crutches. Beside it, there’s a picture of him at airport with Luhan helped for walk support.




*image credits to the rightful owner*

Its hurt me so much oh my god T.T I hope him get well really really really soon.

EXO Oppa-deul please take good care of yourself, it hurt us so much if you are in pain. EXO Saranghae♥


cr: kaisexual

xoxo, @sagitrp

[NEWS] EXO’s TAO relationship with Miss A’s Jia ?? (s)


Good morning guys!

Today i wanna share with you a rumor about our panda a.k.a Tao with Miss A’s Jia.

At September 5th 2013, Tao changed his profile picture in weibo with a picture of cat. Netizen realized that the cat in the picture in his profile is belong to Miss A’s Jia. And with that, they have a lot of speculation about their relationship.

But thanksfuly, both of their company, JYP and SM gave a clarification about it.

According to JYP Entertainment said, “Tao just likes cat pictures, and Jia sent him a picture to show off her cat.”

And SM Entertainment said, “Tao just saw the photo, simply thought it was cute, and uploaded it as his new profile picture.”

Both agencies said, “The two are both Chinese people working in Korea, so they have a lot of things in common. But their relationship is nothing to be misunderstood. They’re also close with other foreign celebrities, such as Amber, and all of them are just good friends.”




Well, rumor is just a rumor. I thinks they are just a good friend because both of them are Chinese just like both of the companies said. And with that i’m so happy because my two bias have a good “friendship”.

xoxo, @sagitrp

[NEWS] Crying panda at Idol Star Athletics Championship T.T (s)

Annyeong Haseyo /teary eyes/

So, i gonna share with you guys abut the crying panda a.k.a Tao.

A few days ago, EXO attend Idol Star Athletics Championship. The news said he was injured during his high jump and got failed. He sprained his back and he seems hurt so badly until he couldn’t walk by his own. So, the other members helped him to walk. Some other idol came and comfort him too. Seconds later, he manage to walked by his own, gave an ok code with his hands and greet the fans.

When Tao failed, he didn’t cry. When he got hurt, he didn’t cry. But when he came to greet the fans, he couldn’t help but cry. He said to them that next time he’d get the first place.

And with that, i can’t help but cry too. It hurt me so badly. No joke.

Its like, he’s feel disappointed at himself so much, he’s worried so much about the fans because he got failed.

I’m a big fans of Tao. Well, he’s my ultimate bias though. And in my opinion. He is still the number ONE no matter what.









*image credit to the rightful owner.*

xoxo, @sagitrp